
Founded on January 12, 2012, Volant is the flagship group among the sister-societies under Elysian. 

We call members “Volanteers,” and its discussion forum is for individuals who possess an IQ score that is at least in the upper 99.9th percentile, or about 1 person in 1,000. This translates to 145 on most modern IQ tests. Aside from providing a discussion forum for Volanteers, the group serves as a common nexus point for members to support each other’s interests and projects.  A few snippets from actual members’ comments:

Already, I have greatly benefited from the group because one of the persons I met there has agreed to come to Stanford for an event that a group I am part of is organizing. She will speak about reductionism and AI and whether they are compatible (she argues against it… my professors are very for it… so we’ll see how it goes).

Volanteers have formed business collaborations, married each other, co-developed projects, paid for other members’ tuition, and many simply found new friends in the society

Volant works to find that balance of friendliness and rigorous thinking in the discussion forum. It’s easy to accomplish when people agree on something, but when there are strong opinions that clash, this balance gets tested. Members can avoid frustrations if newcomers realize that in Volant, you aren’t necessarily going to find like-mindedness. You’ll likely see a broader range of views than you would elsewhere. Instead of feeling frustrated by that, revel in it.

Admissions and Membership
If you’re applying to join Volant, it is probably because a Volanteer invited you to do so.  They likely asked you because you come across as both brainy and civil. If you are brainy in the IQ sense and polite, and will actually participate in our discussions and/or meetings, we’d be delighted to have you.  But if you are not all three of these things, you may want to consider joining another high IQ club.

As with the other social clubs underneath the Elysian banner, Volant is not for everyone. If you have a genius project to work on, and you do not have a high enough score or if the group is socially not a good fit for you, Elysian can still work with you in an outreach capacity. We are also happy to recommend other high IQ societies that may be a better fit for your social needs.

Tests we accept
There are too many IQ tests and or academic assessment tests to list.  It’s easier to give a generic description, and you can determine if any of the tests you’ve taken fulfill the criteria.  If it is an IQ test, it should be both standardized and proctored, like the WAIS-IV or RAPM-II.  We do not accept IQ tests that the American Psychological Association would not recognize.  You should have a score on it that is equivalent to the 3-sigma level.

Some examples:
ACT — at least 32/36 on the one before October 1989; at least 34/36 on the one after October 1989
MicroCog — 145/155
Miller Analogies Test — at least 472/600 or 84/100
Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrices  — at least 35/36
SAT — at least 1450/1600 on the one taken before April 1995; at least 1520/1600 on the one taken between April 1995 to February 2005
Wonderlic Cognitive Abilities Test– at least 43/50

If you don’t see a test of yours on here, don’t be surprised. That’s okay. Send us what you have, and we will evaluate it. Again, just make sure it is a proctored and standardized test you send to us.

To apply for membership to Volant, please contact our Membership Officer at membership@elysiantrust.org .  Include your

-A brief message stating you which societies you want to join
-That you will honor our civility standard and honor fellow members’ anonymity if you are admitted
-Accept that you may be removed from the society if you are inactive for more than six months, or combative with multiple members
-A copy of your test score(s)