Elysian Trust’s team incorporates valuable people from different walks of life. We’re made up of social entrepreneurs, professional writers, educators, artists, business executives and owners, psychotherapists, financial engineers, talent scouts, attorneys, job recruiters, and counselors. Central to our team are parents of gifted and/or twice exceptional children and neurodivergent individuals who would have benefited from an organization like Elysian when they were growing up or starting out in the professional world. Last but not least, our scientists include data analysts, biologists, neurologists, computer scientists, and psychiatrists
Working together our expertise and experience covers virtually every aspect of finding children and adults with special cognitive abilities that may otherwise have gone unnoticed for various reasons, and tailoring programs to guide and optimize their future as students, professionals, and successful contributing citizens.
Joy Lawson Davis – Education Officer
Lucas Canuto – Membership Officer
Meriwether L. Bridgers – Social Media Officer